Monday, 6 October 2014

Mandatory data retention in Australia

Once again their are proposals for mandatory retention of Australian Internet data to improve domestic surveillance. I think these are a terrible idea, both personally and professionally. Here is a letter I just sent to my local parlimentarian and senator that explains my reasoning.

Dear Mr Thomson,

I'm a resident in your electorate and am writing in regards to the proposed changes to the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) act to support mandatory data retention.

As an an information security professional with >15 years experience, the proposed legislation is highly concerning. The proposals would create a huge trove of information that service providers would need to keep absolutely secure.

Evidence suggests that this will not be possible. Consider the numerous security breaches of large financial institutions, the latest just last week at JP Morgan exposed the information of 76 million customers. Financial organisations are subject to strong regulation, have a direct incentive to maintain the security of their customer data, maintain generally good internal controls, undergo frequent external audits and hold decades' of experience dealing with rogue insiders. Despite all of this, they are frequently broken in to.

Internet service providers have little to none of these factors in their favour. They generally maintain good security of their networks, but they do not have the skills, incentives or mindset needed to maintain the security of the highly-private data that is proposed to be collected. I would consider a breach to be inevitable - it might be an ISP employee checking on their spouse's browsing habits, an unethical provider selling the information or perhaps a foreign intelligence agency chuckling as they download the browsing habits of Australia...

As a citizen, I am appalled by these proposals. They treat all citizens as suspects, and have the temerity to bill us for the privilege. They create a system of domestic surveillance more complete than any that enabled the horrors of last century and, in doing so, allow countries that lack our commitment to human rights to point and say "hey, but Australia's already doing it". They create moral hazard for more surveillance, more collection and greater access to the collected data that will be difficult to wind back. There has been no explanation of what threat could justify this immense undertaking.

I ask you to oppose these amendments and exhort your colleagues to do the same. If you would like to discuss the above further I would be happy to oblige.

Damien Miller

If you agree, I encourage you to compose an email of your own or join one of the online campaigns like

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